Jamie 29th July 2015

Being big into Star Wars, as soon as I met Ben my first thoughts was 'Blimey, he looks like a young Han Solo'. I know Nicola may hate Star Wars ("Star Shit" as she refers to it) but Ben didn't and I think he appreciated that I saw the resemblance. Han as a character is brave, tough, loyal and loved by all so I think there was more than just appearance that they had in common. I happened to mention a soft spot for the character Bib Fortuna and how my wife looks like a bit like him (after she's out of the shower!). Ben messaged me a few years later and told me that his mum is clearing out the loft including all his old star wars stuff but he said he'd keep Bib Fortuna back for me if I'd like. It's silly but it was really touching and I will always think of Ben when I think about Star Wars....