Ben the Cyclist
Created by Adam 9 years ago
It's a mark of the man that I never heard him referred to as "Ben with the brain tumour", it was always
Ben the cyclist
Ben the runner
Ben the BMX'er
Ben the Hyde Park Harrier
Ben, Nicola's husband
Ben, Poppy's Dad
Ben's time here in Leeds may have been defined by his brain cancer, but it was never described by it.
We had some brilliant rides, not least last year's TdF Yorkshire Stage 1. In two days with Chris & Vicky, later all 126 miles in a single day with Chris. On many of our rides he'd allocate TdF awards - King of the Mountains, Best Young Rider (always Lee!). No one could complain that he was the yellow jersey.
I'll miss him bombing fearlessly down hills, around corners, and disappearing out of sight no matter how hard I pedalled, and I'll miss him laughing at my failure to get the correct foot down in corners. I'll be thinking of him whenever I'm on the bike but it will be with a smile for the good times, not with sadness.
Adam, Anna & Ben's favourite: Baby Lauren.
Yellow jersey
Yorkshire cricket